Cookie Dough Frosted Brownies

Cookie Dough Frosted Brownies

How do you make a brownie taste better?  How do you make cookie dough taste better?  One of the greatest challenges in baking has been solved – the answer is just put them together. 

It is that simple.

 The Chocolate Goddess has often experienced the dilemma of which favorite dessert to make for guests.  At the goddess residence, no matter what the holiday, there must be a chocolate dessert.  Of course there are chocolate turkeys and chocolate leaves, but there must also be a chocolate baked good.  This dessert is sure to please those who ask if I made chocolate chip cookies. The answer is yes. And it will also please those who ask did I bake chocolate brownies.  The answer is yes. 

These are gourmet brownies, no doubt about that, rich and chocolatey they are made with a pound of excellent, solid chocolate and they will knock your socks off.  Topped off with chocolate chip cookie dough frosting that tastes exactly like the real deal (minus the eggs so no need to worry), they will give the family a new reason to be thankful.

Happy Baking!

And Remember

Always Stay in Touch with Your Inner Goddess!




16 ounces semisweet chocolate (Ghirardelli or Bakers )

8 ounces Unsalted Butter (2 sticks)

2 ½ cups Granulated Sugar

 1 ¾ cup of All Purpose Flour

½ cup Nestles Unsweetened Cocoa

1 teaspoon Salt

½ teaspoon Baking Powder

5 Large Eggs

1 tablespoon Pure Vanilla Extract

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Buttercream Frosting

16 ounces Unsalted Butter (4 sticks)

1 ½ cups Granulated Sugar

1 ½ cups packed Light Brown Sugar

2 teaspoons Pure Vanilla Extract

1 teaspoon Salt

2 cups All Purpose Flour

¼ cup, plus 2 tablespoons Half and Half

1 cup very finely ground Walnuts

1 ½  cups Semisweet Chocolate Chips plus extra for Garnish

Serves 16



Chop chocolate and butter.

Place in a glass bowl with and melt in the microwave, stirring every 30 seconds.  Remove while little pieces of chocolate remain.  Continue stirring until all smooth.

Mix in sugar.

Let cool for 15 minutes.

Combine dry ingredients and set aside.

With electric mixer on very low setting, mix eggs and vanilla.

Add in chocolate mixture. 

Gently mix in dry ingredients until all combined.

Pour into brownie pan. 

Bake 35 – 40 minutes.  Toothpick inserted near edges should be dry but center should be a bit wet.  Do not over bake. 

Cool for several hours

Lift brownies from pan and place on cooling rack.  Cool brownies completely.

Cookie Dough Buttercream Frosting

Cream butter.

Add granulated sugar and incorporate well.

Add brown sugar and vanilla.

Mix in flour completely.

Blend in ground nuts.

Carefully fold in chocolate chips.

Frost brownies thickly, swirling icing on the top.

Garnish with extra chocolate chips