Cookbook Release

These cookbooks have a divine purpose - they offer recipes that are delicious, beautifully presented and are befitting you, today’s empowered woman, the contemporary goddess.


Both cookbooks offer gourmet meals and sides, as well as, soups, salads, quick meals, and desserts. The recipes have the perfect components to create memorable meals. Meals made from wholesome ingredients and full of flavor - savory foods and sweet delights to tickle the palette.


Cooking and baking are my passions. A life-long love of all that is delicious inspired me to open a store and restaurant in New York, The Gourmet Goddess. After 10 successful years I sold the store, but still want to share my passion and recipes with you all.


Cooking is a chance to be purposeful, creative and to bring loved ones together. Take pride in your culinary art skills - it is just one of the vital roles you play throughout the day.


As a contemporary goddesses, take pleasure in preparing and enjoying the sumptuous indulgences in these books!

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Happy Cooking

And Remember

Always Stay in Touch with your Inner Goddess!